DeepL Script

  • Firefox-Version

    Beiträge abgetrennt aus TranslateLocally: Maschinelle Übersetzung ohne Cloud für Firefox und als native Desktop-Anwendung

    Klingt interessant. Muss ich mir direkt mal genauer anschauen. Bisher nutze ich immer und kopiere meinen gewünschten Text hinein und lasse ihn übersetzen.

    Ich nutze dafür ein Script:

    Gewünschten Text, ggf, auch den Text der ganzen Webseite markieren und aus dem Kontextmenü "Übersetzen" auswählen, das Ergebnis wird in einem neuen Tab von DeepL dargestellt. :)

    siehe auch: RE: TranslateGoogles.uc.js

    Da wurde das Google-Teil auf Deepl umgestrickt.

  • Ich nutze dafür ein Script:

    Speichere dir besser zusätzlich den Link zur Originalquelle, also am besten in oder nach Zeile 4 noch diesen Link einfügen. Dann würde es auch bei einer Kopie erkennbar sein. Wer übrigens genau hinsieht, wird bemerken, dass er gekürzt ist – es reicht die Nummer des Themas.

    DenalB: Bei der Gelegenheit sei gleich noch der Link zum Originalskript gegeben, mit dem Google-Translate genutzt werden kann, allerdings an geänderte Voraussetzungen angepasst. Ich hab für mich zu Beginn des Skriptes diese Zeilen ergänzt:

    // aborix in
    // Adressenänderung von Zitronella in

    Danach folgt das Skript, wie es im verlinkten Posting zu finden ist. Bei der DeepL-Version habe ich es sehr ähnlich gehandhabt.

  • Dieses JavaScript ist ja sehr nett, aber um eine kostenlosen "API key" zu bekommen

    müssen die Bankdaten angegeben werden!

    Das ist nicht wirklich prickelnd und ich bekomme da "Bauchweh"!

    Geht es auch irgendwie ohne?

    Und wer diese Japanische Schriftzeichen ändern möchte,

    Zeile 83

    menuItem.label = "Auswahl mit DeepL übersetzen";


    Zeile 192

    logo.textContent = "DeepL Übersetzer";

    Wie ein Icon vor den Text des Menüs "gezaubert" wird, muss ich erst noch testen.

    Macht nur im Moment keinen Sinn, da ohne API-Key das Script nicht funktioniert.

    Und hier noch ein Mal der Code des JavaScripts im Original,

    da bei mir die Seite schon einige Male nicht geladen wurde

    Mit <3lichem Gruß


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Mira_Belle (10. November 2022 um 22:43)

  • Beim Kopieren einer Übersetzung wird eine verdeckte Zeile kopiert.

    Wie lässt sich dies mit einem Skript, css, GreaseMonkey usw. vermeiden?

    Bei mir nicht – weder, wenn ich das Symbol nutze, noch nach Markierung und Kopieren per Tastenkombi (CTRL+A, CTRL+C) – und ich nutze auch nur die kostenfreie Version und kein zusätzliches Skript etc.

  • Due to Deepl unsuitable Chinese service, I modified the script to use Baidu translation API

    // ==UserScript==// @name           Baidu Translator// @author         Ryan, BSTweaker// @include        main// @compatibility  Firefox 78+// @homepageURL @description    在上下文菜单中添加使用百度翻译所选文本的功能// @note           从 DLTranslator (修改而来// @charset        UTF-8// ==/UserScript==const BDT_OPTIONS = {    defaultLang: "zh",    enableContextMenu: true,    hotkey: {        enabled: true,        code: "AltLeft",        repeat: 2,        timeout: 500,    },    supportedLangs: {        //"ara": "Arabic",        //"bul": "Bulgarian",        //"cs": "Czech",        //"dan": "Danish",        "de": "German",        //"el": "Greek",        "en": "English",        //"est": "Estonian",        //"fin": "Finnish",        //"fra": "French",        //"hu": "Hungarian",        //"it": "Italian",        //"jp": "Japanese",        //"lit": "Lithuanian",        //"lav": "Latvian",        //"nl": "Dutch",        //"pl": "Polish",        "pt": "Portuguese",        "pot": "Portuguese (Brazilian)",        //"rom": "Romanian",        //"ru": "Russian",        //"sk": "Slovak",        //"slo": "Slovenian",        "spa": "Spanish",        //"swe": "Swedish",        "th": "Thai",        "vie": "Vietnamese",        "zh": "简体中文",        "cht": "繁體中文",        "wyw": "文言文",    }}if (typeof window === "undefined" || globalThis !== window) {    const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");    ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "ContentDOMReference", "resource://gre/modules/ContentDOMReference.jsm");    ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");    if (!Services.appinfo.remoteType) {        this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BDTranslator", "BDTranslatorParent"];        try {            const actorParams = {                parent: {                    moduleURI: __URI__,                },                child: {                    moduleURI: __URI__,                    events: {},                },                allFrames: true,                messageManagerGroups: ["browsers"],                matches: [`*://*/*`],            };            if (BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.enabled) {                if (BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.repeat <= 0) BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.repeat = 2;                if (BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.timeout <= 0) BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.timeout = 500;       = {};            }            ChromeUtils.registerWindowActor("BDTranslator", actorParams);        } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); }        this.BDTranslatorParent = class extends JSWindowActorParent {            receiveMessage({ name, data }) {                //                let browser =;                let win = browser.ownerGlobal;                const { BDTranslator } = win;                switch (name) {                    case "BDT:OpenTranlatorInTab":                        BDTranslator.translateTextInNewTab(data.sourceText, data.from,;                        break;                    case "BDT:TranslateText":                        BDTranslator.translateText(data.sourceText, data.from, => {                            this.sendAsyncMessage("BDT:TranslateReulult", {                      ,                                resultObject: result                            })                        })                        break;                }            }        }    }    else {        Cu.importGlobalProperties(["fetch"]);        this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BDTranslatorChild"];        const BDPopupTranslator = {            popup: null,            show(win, x, y, sourceText, resultObject) {                const options = BDT_OPTIONS;                if (resultObject && "trans_result" in resultObject) {                    this.fromLang = resultObject["trans_result"].from || "auto";                    this.targetLang = resultObject["trans_result"].to || options.defaultLang                } else {                    this.fromLang = "auto";                    this.targetLang = options.defaultLang;                }                this.sourceText = sourceText.trim();                if (!win.document.getElementById("baidu-translator")) {                    this.popup = win.document.createElement("div");           = "baidu-translator"                    Object.assign(, {                        position: "absolute",                        top: `${win.scrollY + y}px`,                        left: `${win.scrollX + x}px`,                        width: "400px",                        maxHeight: "200px",                        fontFamily: "sans-serif",                        fontSize: "16px",                        color: "black",                        background: "floralwhite",                        border: "1px solid darkgray",                        borderRadius: "3px",                        boxShadow: "3px 3px 5px lightgray",                        transition: "opacity 0.2s ease",                        zIndex: "1000",                    });                    const flex = win.document.createElement("div");                    Object.assign(, {                        display: "flex",                        maxHeight: "200px",                        flexDirection: "column",                    });                    const header = win.document.createElement("div");                    Object.assign(, {                        display: "flex",                        height: "auto",                        margin: "2px 5px 1px",                        fontSize: "smaller",                        alignItems: "center",                    });                    const logo = win.document.createElement("div");                    logo.textContent = "翻译结果";                    Object.assign(, {                        width: "auto",                        fontWeight: "bold",                        flexGrow: "1",                    });                    header.appendChild(logo);                    const langSelector = win.document.createElement("select");                    for (let [lang, desc] of Object.entries(options.supportedLangs)) {                        const option = win.document.createElement("option");                        option.value = lang;                        option.textContent = desc;                        langSelector.appendChild(option);                    }                    langSelector.value = this.targetLang;                    Object.assign(, {                        width: "auto",                        marginRight: "5px",                    });                    langSelector.addEventListener("change", this);                    header.appendChild(langSelector);                    const more = win.document.createElement("div");                    more.className = "baidu-translator-more";                    more.textContent = "更多";                    Object.assign(, {                        width: "auto",                        cursor: "pointer",                    });                    more.addEventListener("click", this);                    header.appendChild(more);                    flex.appendChild(header);                    const box = win.document.createElement("div");                    box.className = "baidu-translator-box";                    Object.assign(, {                        height: "auto",                        overflow: "auto",                        background: "white",                        padding: "2px",                        margin: "1px 5px 5px",                        border: "1px solid darkgray",                        flexGrow: "1",                        whiteSpace: "pre-wrap",                    });                    flex.appendChild(box);                    this.popup.appendChild(flex);                    win.document.body.appendChild(this.popup);                    win.setTimeout(() => win.addEventListener("click", this), 0);                } else {                    this.setPos(x, y);                }                if (resultObject && "trans_result" in resultObject) {                    let data =;                    this.setText( => el.dst).join("\n"));                }            },            handleEvent(event) {                const { type, target } = event;                const actor = target.ownerGlobal.windowGlobalChild.getActor("BDTranslator");                switch (type) {                    case "click":                        if (!this.popup.contains(target)) {                            target.ownerGlobal.removeEventListener("click", this);                            this.popup.addEventListener("transitionend", ({ target }) => {                                target.parentNode.removeChild(target);                            }, { once: true });                   = 0;                        }                        else if (target.className === "baidu-translator-more") {                            actor.sendAsyncMessage("BDT:OpenTranlatorInTab", {                                sourceText: this.sourceText,                                from: this.fromLang,                                to: this.targetLang,                            });                            event.stopPropagation();                        }                        break;                    case "change":                        this.targetLang = target.value;                        this.translate(actor, this.sourceText, this.fromLang, this.targetLang);                        break;                }            },            setPos(x, y) {                Object.assign(, {                    top: `${win.scrollY + y}px`,                    left: `${win.scrollX + x}px`,                    opacity: 1                });            },            setText(text, color) {                let box = this.popup.querySelector(".baidu-translator-box");                if (color) = color;                else = null;                box.textContent = text;            },            translate(actor, text, from, to) {                this.setText("正在翻译中...", "lightgray");                actor.sendAsyncMessage("BDT:TranslateText", {                    sourceText: text,                    from: from || this.fromLang,                    to: to || this.targetLang                });            }        }        this.BDTranslatorChild = class extends JSWindowActorChild {            actorCreated() {                this.keyRepeat = 0;            }            createPopupWithScreenCoordinate(screenX, screenY, sourceText, resultObject) {                let x = screenX - this.contentWindow.screenX - this.contentWindow.outerWidth + this.contentWindow.innerWidth;                let y = screenY - this.contentWindow.screenY - this.contentWindow.outerHeight + this.contentWindow.innerHeight;                this.createPopupWithClientCoordinate(x, y, sourceText, resultObject);            }            createPopupWithClientCoordinate(clientX, clientY, sourceText, resultObject) {                let x = clientX;                let y = clientY;                let clientWidth = this.contentWindow.document.documentElement.clientWidth;                let clientHeight = this.contentWindow.document.documentElement.clientHeight;                if (x + 400 > clientWidth) x = clientWidth - 400;                if (y + 200 > clientHeight) y = clientHeight - 200;                x = Math.max(x, 0);                y = Math.max(y, 0);                if (resultObject) {          , x, y, sourceText, resultObject);                } else {          , x, y, sourceText);                    BDPopupTranslator.translate(this.contentWindow.windowGlobalChild.getActor("BDTranslator"), sourceText);                }            }            createPopupWithSelection() {                const selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection();                const text = selection.toString().trim();                if (text) {                    let rect = selection.getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect();                    return this.createPopupWithClientCoordinate(rect.left, + rect.height, text);                }                return null;            }            receiveMessage({ name, data }) {                switch (name) {                    case "BDT:CreatePopup":                        let fixupX = 0;                        let fixupY = 0;                        if (data.fixupX) fixupX = data.fixupX;                        if (data.fixupY) fixupY = data.fixupY;                        this.createPopupWithScreenCoordinate(data.screenX + fixupX, data.screenY + fixupY, data.sourceText, data.resultObject);                        break;                    case "BDT:TranslateReulult":                        let resultObject = data.resultObject;                        if (resultObject && "trans_result" in resultObject) {                            let data =;                            BDPopupTranslator.setText( => el.dst).join("\n"));                        } else {                            BDPopupTranslator.setText("翻译失败!", "red");                        }                        break;                    case "BDT:CreatePopupWithClientCoordinate":                        this.createPopupWithClientCoordinate(data.clientX, data.clientY, data.sourceText).translate(data.fromLang, data.toLang);                        break;                }            }            handleEvent(event) {                switch (event.type) {                    case "keyup":                        if (event.code === BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.code && this.contentWindow.getSelection()?.toString()) {                            if (!this.keyRepeat) {                                new Promise((resolve, reject) => {                                    this.hotkeyResolver = resolve;                                    this.hotkeyRejector = reject;                                    this.contentWindow.setTimeout(() => reject(), BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.timeout);                                }).then(() => {                                    this.keyRepeat = 0;                                    this.hotkeyResolver = null;                                    this.hotkeyRejector = null;                                    this.createPopupWithSelection();                                }).catch(() => {                                    this.keyRepeat = 0;                                    this.hotkeyResolver = null;                                    this.hotkeyRejector = null;                                });                            }                            if (++this.keyRepeat === BDT_OPTIONS.hotkey.repeat) {                                this.hotkeyResolver();                            }                        }                        else if (this.keyRepeat) {                            this.hotkeyRejector();                        }                        break;                }            }        }    }} else {    try {        if (parseInt(Services.appinfo.version) < 101) {            ChromeUtils.import(Components.stack.filename);        } else {            let fileHandler ="file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler);            let scriptPath = Components.stack.filename;            if (scriptPath.startsWith("chrome")) {                scriptPath = resolveChromeURL(scriptPath);                function resolveChromeURL(str) {                    const registry = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIChromeRegistry);                    try {                        return registry.convertChromeURL(\\/g, "/"))).spec                    } catch (e) {                        console.error(e);                        return ""                    }                }            }            let scriptFile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(scriptPath);            let resourceHandler ="resource").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);            if (!resourceHandler.hasSubstitution("bdt-ucjs")) {                resourceHandler.setSubstitution("bdt-ucjs",;            }            ChromeUtils.import(`resource://bdt-ucjs/${encodeURIComponent(scriptFile.leafName)}?${scriptFile.lastModifiedTime}`);        }    } catch (e) { console.error(e) }    (function () {        window.BDTranslator = {            get appVersion() {                delete this.appVersion;                return this.appVersion = parseFloat(Services.appinfo.version);            },            init: async function () {                window.addEventListener('unload', this, false);                /**                 * 获取必备头                 */                let respText = await (await fetch("")).text();                this.gtk = /window\.gtk = ('|")(.*?)('|")/.exec(respText)[2];                this.token = /token: ('|")(.*?)('|")/.exec(respText)[2];                if (BDT_OPTIONS.enableContextMenu)                    this.addContextMenuitem();            },            /**             * 添加右键菜单             */            addContextMenuitem() {                const menuitem = $C("menuitem", {                    id: 'menu-translate-selected',                    label: "翻译选中文本"                });                menuitem.addEventListener('command', this, false);                this.menuitem = $('contentAreaContextMenu').appendChild(menuitem);                $('contentAreaContextMenu').addEventListener('popupshowing', this);            },            /**             * 通过 API 获取语言             * @param {string} text 待检测文本             * @returns              */            checkLang: async function (text) {                const rawText = text.replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/, "").slice(0, 50);                const data = new URLSearchParams();                data.append('query', rawText);                const options = {                    method: "POST",                    headers: {                        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",                    },                    body: data,                };                try {                    const response = await fetch('', options);                    const { lan } = await response.json();                    return lan;                } catch (error) {                    console.log(error);                    return;                }            },            /**             * 网页翻译接口             *              * @param {string} text 带翻译文本             * @param {string} from 源语言,不提供此参数则自动检测             * @param {string} to 目标语言,不提供则默认翻译为默认语言             * @returns              */            translateText: async function (text, from, to) {                if (!from) {                    from = await this.checkLang(text);                }                to || (to = BDT_OPTIONS.defaultLang);                const processedText = text.length > 30 ? (text.substring(0, 10) + text.substring(~~(text.length / 2) - 5, ~~(text.length / 2) + 5) + text.substring(text.length - 10)) : text;                const data = new URLSearchParams();                data.append('from', from);                data.append('to', to);                data.append('query', text);                data.append('simple_means_flag', '3');                data.append('sign', calcTk(processedText, this.gtk));                data.append('token', this.token);                data.append('domain', 'common');                const options = {                    method: 'POST',                    headers: {                        'referer': '',                        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',                    },                    body: data,                };                try {                    const response = await fetch('', options);                    const res = await response.json();                    return res;                    // Process the response as needed                } catch (error) {                    console.log(error);                    return;                }            },            /**             * 打开翻译网页             * @param {string} text 待翻译文本             * @param {string} from 源语言             * @param {string} to 目标语言             */            translateTextInNewTab: function (text, from, to) {                const urlTemplate = "{sourceLang}/{targetLang}/{sourceText}";                const url = urlTemplate.replace("{sourceLang}", from).replace("{targetLang}", to).replace("{sourceText}", text)                if (this.appVersion < 78) {                    openUILinkIn(url, 'tab', false, null);                } else {                    openWebLinkIn(url, 'tab', {                        postData: null,                        triggeringPrincipal:                            Services.scriptSecurityManager.createNullPrincipal({                                userContextId: gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getAttribute(                                    "userContextId"                                )                            })                    });                }            },            /**             * 事件处理             * @param {*} event              */            handleEvent: function (event) {                switch (event.type) {                    case "unload":                        this.uninit();                        break;                    case "command":                        this.beginTranslate(;                        break;                    case "popupshowing":                        this.popupshowing(;                        break;                }            },            /**             * 点击菜单开始翻译             *              * @param {*} contextMenuContentData              * @returns              */            beginTranslate: async function (contextMenuContentData) {                if (!contextMenuContentData) return;                const win = contextMenuContentData.browser.ownerGlobal;                const selectionText = contextMenuContentData.selectionInfo?.fullText;                const targetIdentifier = contextMenuContentData.context?.targetIdentifier;                const screenX = contextMenuContentData.context?.screenX ?? contextMenuContentData.context?.screenXDevPx / win.devicePixelRatio;                const screenY = contextMenuContentData.context?.screenY ?? contextMenuContentData.context?.screenYDevPx / win.devicePixelRatio;                const browser = contextMenuContentData.browser;                const browserBoundingRect = browser.getBoundingClientRect();                const fixupX = browser.ownerGlobal.outerWidth - browserBoundingRect.left - browserBoundingRect.width;                const fixupY = 20 + browser.ownerGlobal.outerHeight - - browserBoundingRect.height;                const actor = contextMenuContentData.frameBrowsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor("BDTranslator");                let translatedResult = await this.translateText(selectionText);                actor.sendAsyncMessage("BDT:CreatePopup", {                    targetIdentifier,                    screenX, screenY,                    fixupX, fixupY,                    sourceText: selectionText,                    resultObject: translatedResult                });            },            /**             * 没有选中文本的时候隐藏右键菜单             * @param {ChromeWindow} win              */            popupshowing(win) {                let selectionText = win.gContextMenu?.contentData?.selectionInfo?.text;                this.menuitem.hidden = !selectionText;            },            uninit: async function () {                window.removeEventListener('unload', this, false);                $('contentAreaContextMenu').removeEventListener('popupshowing', this);                if (this.menuitem) this.menuitem.parentNode.removeChild(this.menuitem);                delete window.BDTranslator;            }        }        function $(id) {            return document.getElementById(id);        }        function $C(tag, attrs, skipAttrs) {            var el;            if (!tag) return el;            attrs = attrs || {};            skipAttrs = skipAttrs || [];            if (tag.startsWith('html:'))                el = document.createElement(tag);            else                el = document.createXULElement(tag);            return $A(el, attrs, skipAttrs);        }        function $A(el, attrs, skipAttrs) {            skipAttrs = skipAttrs || [];            if (attrs) Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function (key) {                if (!skipAttrs.includes(key)) {                    if (typeof attrs[key] === 'function')                        el.setAttribute(key, "(" + attrs[key].toString() + ").call(this, event);");                    else                        el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);                }            });            return el;        }        /** 签名计算 */        function calcTk(a, b) {            var d = b.split(".");            b = Number(d[0]) || 0;            for (var e = [], f = 0, g = 0; g < a.length; g++) {                var k = a.charCodeAt(g);                128 > k ? e[f++] = k : (2048 > k ? e[f++] = k >> 6 | 192 : (55296 == (k & 64512) && g + 1 < a.length && 56320 == (a.charCodeAt(g + 1) & 64512) ? (k = 65536 + ((k & 1023) << 10) + (a.charCodeAt(++g) & 1023),                    e[f++] = k >> 18 | 240,                    e[f++] = k >> 12 & 63 | 128) : e[f++] = k >> 12 | 224,                    e[f++] = k >> 6 & 63 | 128),                    e[f++] = k & 63 | 128)            }            a = b;            for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++)a = Fo(a + e[f], "+-a^+6");            a = Fo(a, "+-3^+b+-f");            a ^= Number(d[1]) || 0;            0 > a && (a = (a & 2147483647) + 2147483648);            a %= 1E6;            return a.toString() + "." + (a ^ b)        }        function Fo(a, b) {            for (var c = 0; c < b.length - 2; c += 3) {                var d = b.charAt(c + 2);                d = "a" <= d ? d.charCodeAt(0) - 87 : Number(d);                d = "+" == b.charAt(c + 1) ? a >>> d : a << d;                a = "+" == b.charAt(c) ? a + d & 4294967295 : a ^ d            }            return a        }        window.BDTranslator.init();    })()}

    6 Mal editiert, zuletzt von jizz (22. Mai 2023 um 14:17)

  • Without apikey, the script would translate text through backdoor, there will be some restrictions.