// ==UserScript== // @name tabProtect_mod2.uc.js // @namespace http://space.geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/alice0775 // @description tabProtect // @include main // @exclude about:* // @author Alice0775 // @Note ?????????? // @Note ???????private browsing???????tab????????tab?????????????? // @compatibility 69 // @version 2019/05/29 16:00 Bug 1519514 - Convert tab bindings // @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1551320 - Replace all createElement calls in XUL documents with createXULElement // @version 2018/09/27 10:30 fix tab detach // @version 2018/09/26 07:30 support tab detach // @version 2018/09/25 21:30 working with tab multi selection // @version 2018/06/21 19:50 workaround regression // @version 2018/06/21 19:40 fix restore session if *.restore_on_demand is enabled // @version 2018/06/10 00:00 workaround restore session // @version 2018/05/23 00:00 Fixed typo(status is undeled when unprotect) // @version 2018/05/12 15:30 workaround restore session for all window // @version 2018/05/06 14:00 workaround for tab move // @version 2018/05/04 12:00 cleanup for 60 // @version 2018/05/04 23:00 for 60 // ==/UserScript== var tabProtect = { debug: function(aMsg){ Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService) .logStringMessage(aMsg.toString()); }, sessionStore: { get ss() { try { return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsISessionStore) } catch(e) { return; } }, getTabValue : function(aTab, aKey) { if (typeof SessionStore.getCustomTabValue == "function") return SessionStore.getCustomTabValue(aTab, aKey); else return this.ss.getTabValue(aTab, aKey); }, setTabValue : function(aTab, aKey, aValue) { if (typeof SessionStore.setCustomTabValue == "function") return SessionStore.setCustomTabValue(aTab, aKey, aValue); else return this.ss.setTabValue(aTab, aKey, aValue); }, deleteTabValue : function(aTab, aKey) { if (typeof SessionStore.deleteCustomTabValue == "function") return SessionStore.deleteCustomTabValue(aTab, aKey); else return this.ss.deleteTabValue(aTab, aKey); } }, get tabContext() { return document.getElementById("tabContextMenu"); }, init: function(){ console.log("init"); this.tabContextMenu(); //tabbrowser.xml????? gBrowser.removeTab_org = gBrowser.removeTab; gBrowser.removeTab = function(aTab, aParams) { if (aTab.localName != "tab") aTab = this.selectedTab; if (aTab.hasAttribute("tabProtect")) return; gBrowser.removeTab_org(aTab, aParams); } gBrowser.isProtectTab = function (aTab){ return aTab.hasAttribute("tabProtect"); } gBrowser.protectTab = function (aTab, state) { let isProtected; if (typeof state == "undefined") { if ( aTab.hasAttribute("tabProtect") ){ state = false; } else { state = true; } } if (state) { aTab.setAttribute("tabProtect", "true"); tabProtect.sessionStore.setTabValue(aTab, "tabProtect", "true"); isProtected = true; } else { aTab.removeAttribute("tabProtect"); try { tabProtect.sessionStore.deleteTabValue(aTab, "tabProtect"); } catch(e) {} isProtected = false; } this.protectTabIcon(aTab); return isProtected; } gBrowser.protectTabIcon = function (aTab){ const kXULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; var image = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute( aTab, "class", "tab-icon-protect"); if ( aTab.hasAttribute("tabProtect") ) { if(!image){ var stack = aTab.querySelector(".tab-stack"); var image = document.createElementNS(kXULNS,'image'); image.setAttribute('class','tab-icon-protect'); image.setAttribute('left',0); image.setAttribute('top',0); if(stack) stack.appendChild(image); } } } // CSS??? var style = ` tab[tabProtect] .tab-close-button { display: none; } tab[tabProtect] .tab-icon-protect{ margin-top: 0px; /*???*/ margin-left: 0px; /*???*/ list-style-image:url(''); } tab:not([tabProtect]) .tab-icon-protect { display: none; } `; var sspi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" href="data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(style) + '"' ); document.insertBefore(sspi, document.documentElement); sspi.getAttribute = function(name) { return document.documentElement.getAttribute(name); }; this.restoreAll(0); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener('TabMove', this, false); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, false); window.addEventListener('unload', this, false) // detach tab let func = gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther.toString(); if (gBrowser && !/copytabProtect/.test(func)) { func = func.replace( 'let otherFindBar = aOtherTab._findBar;', `if (aOtherTab.hasAttribute("tabProtect")) { aOurTab.ownerGlobal.gBrowser.protectTab(aOurTab, true); /*copytabProtect*/ } $&` ); eval("gBrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther = function " + func.replace(/^function/, '')); } }, restoreAll: function(delay = 0) { var that = this; setTimeout(init, delay, 0); function init(i){ if(i < gBrowser.tabs.length){ var aTab = gBrowser.tabs[i]; that.restoreForTab(aTab); i++; arguments.callee(i); }else{ } } }, uninit: function(){ window.removeEventListener('unload', this, false) gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener('SSTabRestoring', this, false); gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabMove', this, false); this.tabContext.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); }, handleEvent: function(event) { switch(event.type) { case "unload": this.uninit(event); break; case "SSTabRestoring": this.restore(event); break; case "TabMove": this.TabMove(event); break; case "popupshowing": this.popupshowing(event); break; } }, TabMove: function(aEvent){ var aTab = aEvent.target; gBrowser.protectTabIcon(aTab); }, tabContextMenu: function(){ //tab context menu var tabContext = this.tabContext; var menuitem = this.tabProtectMenu = tabContext.appendChild( document.createXULElement("menuitem")); menuitem.id = "tabProtect"; menuitem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); if (Services.appinfo.version.split(".")[0] >= 63) menuitem.setAttribute("label", "Protect This Tab(s)"); else menuitem.setAttribute("label", "Protect This Tab"); menuitem.setAttribute("accesskey", "P"); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand","tabProtect.toggle(TabContextMenu.contextTab);"); tabContext.addEventListener('popupshowing', this, false); }, popupshowing: function(event) { this.setCheckbox(event); }, restore: function(event){ tabProtect.restoreAll(0); }, restoreForTab: function(aTab){ var retrievedData = this.sessionStore.getTabValue(aTab, "tabProtect") == "true"; console.log("restoreForTab" + retrievedData); if(retrievedData){ aTab.setAttribute('tabProtect',true); } gBrowser.protectTabIcon(aTab); }, toggle: function(aTab){ if (typeof gBrowser.selectedTabs != "undefined") { this.toggleProtectSelectedTabs(this.getSelectedTabs(aTab)); } else { gBrowser.protectTab(aTab); } }, toggleProtectSelectedTabs: function(tabs){ if (tabs.length < 1) return; let isProtect = gBrowser.isProtectTab(tabs[0]); for (let tab of tabs) { gBrowser.protectTab(tab, !isProtect); } }, getSelectedTabs: function(aTab){ let contextTab = aTab; let selectedTabs = [contextTab]; if (gBrowser.selectedTabs.indexOf(contextTab) < 0) return selectedTabs; for (let tab of gBrowser.selectedTabs) { if (contextTab != tab) selectedTabs.push(tab); } return selectedTabs; }, setCheckbox: function(event){ var menuitem = this.tabProtectMenu; var aTab = TabContextMenu.contextTab; if( !aTab || aTab.localName !='tab'){ menuitem.setAttribute('hidden',true); return; } menuitem.setAttribute('hidden',false); if(aTab.hasAttribute('tabProtect') && aTab.getAttribute('tabProtect')){ menuitem.setAttribute('checked', true); }else{ menuitem.setAttribute('checked', false); } } } // We should only start the redirection if the browser window has finished // starting up. Otherwise, we should wait until the startup is done. if (gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished) { tabProtect.init(); } else { let delayedStartupFinished = (subject, topic) => { if (topic == "browser-delayed-startup-finished" && subject == window) { Services.obs.removeObserver(delayedStartupFinished, topic); tabProtect.init(); } }; Services.obs.addObserver(delayedStartupFinished, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); }