Performing a replace request PATCH DIRECTORY C:\ProgramData\Mozilla\updates\308046B0AF4A39CB\updates\0 INSTALLATION DIRECTORY C:\program files\mozilla firefox WORKING DIRECTORY C:\program files\mozilla firefox\updated Begin moving destDir (C:\program files\mozilla firefox) to tmpDir (C:\program files\mozilla firefox.bak) rename_file: proceeding to rename the directory Begin moving newDir (C:\program files\mozilla firefox.bak/updated) to destDir (C:\program files\mozilla firefox) rename_file: proceeding to rename the directory Now, remove the tmpDir ensure_remove: failed to remove file: C:\program files\mozilla firefox.bak/updater.exe, rv: -1, err: 13 ensure_remove_recursive: unable to remove directory: C:\program files\mozilla firefox.bak, rv: -1, err: 41 Removing tmpDir failed, err: -1 remove_recursive_on_reboot: file will be removed on OS reboot: C:\program files\mozilla firefox\tobedeleted\rep8b360306-0b0a-4136-bd49-887444c2a59b succeeded calling QuitProgressUI